Saturday, September 20, 2014

Facebook Hiatus (part one)

Recently I started going back to school full-time at Ivytech Community College. Knowing that I'm terrible at time management, I made a decision to get off of Facebook for a little while.

Originally I thought this would be a couple months; it actually ended up being exactly three weeks. I didn't expect to learn much of anything. Honestly, I went into this thinking I would figure out maybe how to get work done and get a routine in place; maybe even manage free time. God always has bigger plans than I do... so surprise He had another idea and what I learned in those three weeks - is invaluable.

The first thing I noticed was that I was a lot less annoyed all the time. I had less material to use to form opinions about people. When I removed myself from the literal highlight reel, I stopped comparing myself to them. 

I've always struggled with a spirit of comparison. But it wasn't until myspace and Facebook came around that I stopped comparing just my body and began comparing experiences. I see people having kids, going to parties, traveling, getting married, graduating, eating ice cream.. and instead of celebrating with them or "liking" the picture. (Not everyone, or every post - give me some credit) I get jealous and I ask God why not me? What is MY life? 

But the beauty of removing myself from this constant highlight reel, is that it created a space for me to listen. When I did, God so calmly and pointedly whispered life into me.

Why are you discounting this process we're in? 

There is beauty in the struggle, a beauty that isn't easily represented in Instagram form. This season is not cute. It's much deeper than that. Change your focus my sweet child. You are in this place, in this moment, in this situation for a reason. Celebrate this valley! You are so precious to me. This chiseling hurts now, but I promise you, the end is near and you will walk so much lighter afterwards.

This struck me like a weary traveler returning to land, I felt something so comforting and reassuring. It was peace. It was a solid ground I could stand on, once again. I have walked around with this hope that something good is coming for about 9 months now, but until that little whisper I had no inclination that I was being worked on. I just thought I was involved in some sort of commercial break; just waiting patiently and not flipping channels. That seems like enough work to me. Ha! No.

Side note: One thing I’m also learning is that God doesn’t waste our time.

& with that I will leave you today, because I’m about to celebrate one of my dearest childhood friend’s wedding!! 

Part two will follow shortly. (:

1 comment:

  1. "This struck me like a weary traveler returning to land, I felt something so comforting and reassuring. It was peace. It was a solid ground I could stand on, once again."

    Yes. yes. yes.

    Beautiful, friend. Just beautiful.
